Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Rat Snake

Range: Eastern, U.S.A

Habitat: Forested regions, often found around agricultural areas due to the presence of rodents.

Natural Diet: Small mammals, birds

Diet at RainForest: Small pre-killed rodents

Size: 48-60"

RainForest Facts: The black rat snake is a highly adaptable feeder, rodents comprise the majority of the diet while birds are readily taken when available. A member of the large Rat snake family that includes Corn snakes, yellow rat snakes and grey rat snakes. Females deposit one clutch of eggs per year, generally in late spring to early summer. Each clutch contains an average of 12 elongated eggs. Incubation is generally 60-70 days. Young rat snakes begin to feed almost immediately on young mice and small lizards.

Status in Wild: Declining numbers primarily due to loss of suitable habitat, although this species is not threatened at this time.

The Black rat snake is one species that can adapt to the presence of human habitation. The rat snake family in general is extremely adaptable when it comes modification of their primary habitat. This snake will often seek out agricultural areas where rodents can be found.

The young of this species can be very highly colored compared to the adults.

1 comment:

  1. Photo by John White. If you are going to use my photo at least give me credit.
